Kapsa Monument Co.
Highest Quality Granite & Bronze at the Lowest Prices
Specializing in:
*Monuments* Memorials* Mausoleums* * Plaques * Pet Memorials *
Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Modern design & counseling services
With old fashioned prices!
Kapsa Monument Co. is a family owned and operated business located in the downtown area of historic Downers Grove, Illinois.
At Kapsa Monuments we guarantee our customers:
* Only the highest quality granite and bronze. We never use inferior materials, or materials that have not stood up to the test of time.
* Superior customer service. We will do whatever it takes to make the memorial process go smoothly for you. We are always available for in home or office consultations.
* Our best price from the start. We won't ask to see other quotes or force you to haggle over price, we always provide you with our best price right away.
*No hidden fees or charges for lettering & designs. We outline the costs involved before you decide, and never increase your price for extra lettering.
* No-pressure consultations. We will listen to your ideas, look over design ideas, and discuss the cost involved, but we will never make you feel that you have to make a decision before you are ready.
* 1,000's of design ideas as well as custom work available. With skilled craftsman and artistry we will create a memorial to reflect your loved one's individuality.
* Complete satisfaction. We always provide design/lettering proofs, at no charge, for family review before memorial designing.
*Since our company's inception, we have provided a 20% discount for Veterans of the armed forces. It is our way of saying "Thank you for your service to our country."
We have over 13 years of successful experience in the Sales & Design of Headstones, Monuments, Memorial Plaques, Address Plates, etc. Being a family owned and operated business, allows us to offer families the highest quality granite & bronze at reasonable prices, provide personalized attention, and guarantee complete satisfaction. The granite our memorials, plaques and signs are made of comes primarily from quarries across the USA, some exotic colors are quarried around the world. Our granite comes from the same quarries that our competitors use.
Kapsa Monuments doesn't "manufacture" monuments & headstones, rather our memorials are personally designed by you with the help of our professional designer and counselor. Then handcrafted by master stone cutters giving you a truly unique piece to last the ages.
From the elegantly simple to the stunningly beautiful we offer you hundreds of styles and custom designs.
Kapsa Monument Co.
5119 Washington St
Downers Grove IL 60515
Tel: 630 969-3120
E-mail: gloria@kapsamonuments.com; tom@kapsamonuments.com
